
@wætherman: You're right, criticism should only be allowed in proportion to how much money exchanged hands, makes perfect sense.

@KillerKane: The Invaders were created in WWII, I believe. Nicky Fury and Wolverine also fought in WWII.

@Al CaPWN: But won't somebody think of the children (who watch animated films one frame at a time)???

@WookieLifeDay: According to Earth X, that's the way it is in the comics, too. Gods are just aliens that become whatever the people around them "need them to be".

@Charlie Jane Anders: Fables one for me too. Read the first few trades, so I'm familiar with the characters, concept, etc. but then a bombshell was dropped.

Thank you thank you thank you for not comparing it to a macbook. All my Apple friends are just like "pshhh Google's ripping off the old Macbook."

Oh man. Spoiler alert :(

@Lupison: THAT is the problem you have with this?

@lazerus72: Conan is already a member of PaleForce, he doesn't need a superhero name.

@gerrrg: I'm on the Chrome dev track too, recently I've noticed that Flash doesn't work completely correctly. My only gripe with Chrome so far is how it handles Flash - as a built-in plugin. Great if everything works, but when there's a problem it's difficult to roll back ro a previous version.

@C3PA: Pretty sure the Google Update process is actively looking for new Chrome updates and applying them quietly in the background.

@Pyrowrx: I expect that he was also secretly smoking a cigar under that helmet.

@ccbweb: "...and don't get me started on how this can of Coke can't run Crysis."

@ccbweb: Heh, so now review features compare things to whatever is closest? It's the Proximity Review.

@Navin R Johnson: Runs the risk of making an Apple product not look as good. Too risky.

@Geisrud: In chrome OS aren't the apps just tabs in the browser? If so, you don't need Alt-F4, because Ctrl-W closes a tab. Similarly, Ctrl-R refreshes.

@Navin R Johnson: It wouldn't be a Giz article if it wasn't pro-Apple in some way shape or form.

@doug.martin+kotaku: Originally diplomatic messages were sent via telegraph cable, and were called "cables". Now, "cable" communications essentially just means text-based message sent between a diplomat and the home country.

@JordanAT: You also run the risk of deleting important and perhaps uncomfortable emails regarding goings-on at the office when you were gone (so-and-so is 'no longer with the company', etc) that could lead to awkward "Hey where's that crazy sonuvabitch Jenkins? Haven't seen him in a while!" discussions.