
@collex: I thought Whedon was directing it, there's probably a whole bunch of writers writing it at various stages. Screenplays go through a ton of rewrites, typically, before becoming a final script. Lots of times the writers change, too, I guess to try and get that voice "just right" to the movie.

@commentotron: He also knows that "-gate" wasn't a suffix meaning "scandal", right?

UFO does not mean alien. That's worth pointing out. I'm taking the term back. It means "unidentified", not extraterrestrial.

@lostarchitect: People added extra layers (pun intended) to the movie to make themselves feel smarter.

@brennan7: First, do you have a link? Second, they're probably talking about something similar to the Pixi to the original Pre, which would be considered in the same "line" of devices.

@PaddyDugan: Considering the Pre 2 just came out, I honestly think the "next line" will be in at least a year. If it comes out at all.

@carg1: Streptococcal Lake just doesn't have the same ring to it.

@Rontourage: Translation: Waaaahh waaahhhh I didn't find something people are actually interested in.

@dfp3050: As soon as they let you.

@MacAttack: You don't "settle out of court" for criminal proceedings using money. It all depends on how the law is written, most rape laws heavily favor the woman's word over the man's word, which is a little unfair, but designed to protect female victims.

@OCEntertainment: Agreed, I even got annoyed with GChat was in my Gmail on the web by default. If I wanted to chat, I want to explicitly say I want to chat. Not check my email and wind up with people IMing me.

@Please Help Me: He could just make people sign a waver when they enter his house.

@Nivenus: It seems like the running gag is most people WEAPONIZE sonics, not turn them into screwdrivers, so maybe he found some cool use that other people didn't really think of and, well, kept it secret.

@Matt0505: Yeah because Google will charge Android users?

@strich: I thought the Nook had an e-Ink screen, and a second LCD screen near the bottom for displaying color book covers and stuff, is that not the case? It's what it looks like in screenshots anyway.

@strich: Yeah, I bought Kindle before the Nook existed. I'd probably re-look at them now, but once you're entrenched, ehh.

@AgentSmithAndWesson: Out of the box it's unlikely that the Google eBook Store and Kindle Store will overlap.

@\m/ chaosphere \m/: I agree. I just meant take out the company itself and look at just the person, and he's still evil. Some people hate Jobs because he's associated with Apple and they don't like Apple. I hate both independently.

@Futhark: I read a book on the history of Atari, and I remember they offered Jobs some huge bonus (relative to the time of course) for every computer chip Jobs figured out how to remove from the game. (This was to cut down on the cost of manufacturing and stuff)

I would be all over this if I wasn't already entrenched in Kindle. That said, I don't see anything they're offering that Kindle doesn't, really. Maybe more books? More free books? I dunno, that's only an advantage if you like those books.