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It looks centered to me, it looks like you're not understanding "centered".


Yes. That, A Tale of Time City, and Lives of Christopher Chant are my three favorite young adult novels of all time.

Sure. Lots of devices can wirelessly sync data, but lots of people still have the need/want to manually sync things as well. I don't want every picture I've ever taken on my phone to move over (most are shit), I want to move over just the ones I want.

Yes, I was subtly reminding the first commenter that there's more to cables than purely power transfer.

I was really just trying to make a point that wired connections are still important - "induction charging" doesn't transfer data, though wireless syncing is of course possible. That said, wireless transfer speeds are typically much slower than wired speeds (in fact, I saw a giz or lifehacker or something article

Just remember to put the foot back when you're done.

Can induction charging also transfer data?

Sure, but HP did it first, and better:

Not to mention it sounds like a group formed during a Monty Python sketch.

Why all the hate for the Journal of Cosmology? According to the site the editor-in-chief is a PH.D in several related fields and works at the Harvard-Smithsonian in Cambridge. What are we really critiquing here, web design skills?

There's several for conservatives, several for liberals, and several for folks in the middle. It's shocking to you that there are news networks with biases? Have you time traveled from the 1800s and the TV part is the shocking part?

It also goes to show you how "far" the scientific process has come where if you don't publish in certain journals your claims are dismissed out of hand as being loony. Also if you don't have a decent website, forget about it, scientifically invalid!

This will work everywhere except airports, where they will detain you illegally because they think you broke non-existent laws.

This whole article seems to have been written because the author and his lady friend got in a fight because he values "being connected" more than spending time with her, and as a result he wrote an article about how it's a "major problem", hoping other blogs and news sources pick it up so he can show it to her later

I guess the way I see it, animals dying out is natural. Even if we cause it, it's still "natural" as our big brains are part of nature, as is our utilization of natural resources. Survival of the Fittest, and all, right now we're the fittest thanks to our intelligence, tool use, and societal structure.

It's running a phone OS, though, not a tablet OS, so it's not in the same classification as the tablets listed.

It sounds like Nemesis was the name of solar event, that is the sun with an opposite star that orbited each other and apparently threw comets at each other.