
@Darth Meow 504: That's all well and good for the developed world...

@Settings: Fair enough, sort of the bro version of the "Olive Theory" from How I Met Your Mother.

@Settings: An eBook cloud service is a company-sponsored service, not some ever-lasting carved in stone thing. The company could fold, there could be catastrophic issues, get bought out and discontinued, lots of things happen.

@System Preferences: Haha, so you just handwave away all the problems with your argument to keep yourself on track, eh?

@System Preferences: You think "over time" a system that uses constant electricity is going to be "greener" than something that sits on the shelf with no footprint beyond creation?

@Caturday Yet?: Daniel Tosh also burned a Kindle on his show.

@ortizlgnd4: Fair enough. It's still utterly annoying though.

@Big Mikey: Somewhere there's a link of a Google Employee saying on the Google boards that it was 2.3 as well.

@anradu: The short term memory thing is what really gets me. It's kind of infuriating, especially when it's your friends.

@ortizlgnd4: Agreed RE: multitasking. It's hilarious to me that some of my Apple Fan friends went basically through this:

Guys, stop calling "Android 3.0" Gingerbread as if it's a proven fact. Please. There's no evidence yet that it's 3.0 and a little bit of evidence (including a Google employee saying so) that it's 2.3.

@Koopa Doopa: You sure you need a new motherboard? It's my understanding that if you got a Core 2 Quad it could share the same slot as the Core 2 Duo, depending on your existing motherboard.

@Joe Stoner: That makes the "closed system" argument even worse, then. I had always heard that it was closed off (not talking apps, but the system) so that people couldn't try to fix something and make things worse - protection from themselves.

@lpmiller: I'm not talking about numbering universes. The CONCEPT of a multiverse, I am completely comfortable with. It's the DC history of multiverses... it's there, then it's not, then it's there again, then it's not again...

@mirrorball: I honestly wish Alias was more sci-fi. So many awesome ways they could have taken it. Then season 4 dropped the facade of an ongoing plot and just had them fight werewolves and vampires, and then like 2 episodes to wrap the series up on a sci-fi note again.

@aquajaws: I liked that sequence too.

@sephycloneno15: The multi-verse stuff is why I can't stomach DC comics very often. Marvel is easier to keep track of IMO.

@MrGOH: My thoughts exactly.

@DoctorZoidberg: Well, that and they blew the fuel injector so new gas would have been completely useless.

@SteveTheSultan: Oh yeah, definitely, but I think they want potential advertisers to basically not know what you know so they still get dreams of big fat checks and sign up. Knowing that 1 million is around $10 or so, lots of devs might go "eh, fuck it, not worth it" and decide not to have it be ad-supported.