
@Jeff: Michael Crichton lied to me!

@YayTac0: and if I'm reading this right, it wants a threesome because its wife wanted it to dress nicely once in a while.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Ha! Apple's just trying to segue all the love and hope from one device to the next. All the iPod goodwill was seamlessly transferred to the iPhone. After all, iPods are not selling as well but who cares anymore, right? ;-)

@DancinDatsyuk: What's super odd to me is that everyone I know that uses a BB voluntarily (as in, not a salesperson with a work phone) is a college-aged girl.

@DancinDatsyuk: I've met a few people who love their BBs, but they're just very, very quiet about it.

@DancinDatsyuk: I think the difference is there aren't swarms of extremely vocal Blackberry fans who think RIM can do no wrong.

@Runa27: Well said, actually! I guess I didn't think of "entertaining" as emotional, but the way you put it, it makes a lot of sense.

@akacrash: Can we also stop the "running will kill your knees" and "eating any fat is bad for you" myths while we're at it?

Just got back from seeing this, actually.

@Snake_Plissken: Only 0.55% of users called AppleCare with the problem.

@AncientUnknown1: If you define "honesty" as "made-up PR bullshit" or "marketing numbers to handwave the problem away" then I completely agree with you.

@Demonbird: Amen! I think the real reason behind the press conference was to give Steve an outlet to bash every other smartphone publicly.

My bigger problem is visual mumbling. By that I mean, action scenes where to make it feel more "real" the director uses quick cuts, shaky camera work, and rapidly changing perspectives.

@robert101455: I went from WebOS to Android, actually. WebOS is nice, but it's very "desktoppy" in terms of how things work. I thought I would miss cards, and their notifications, but it turns out I don't, not one bit.

@FormallyCasual: Well, Palm held the "smartphone" patent so if Apple was all "stop pinch-zooming" Palm would be all "stop SMARTPHONING" so I don't think Apple wanted to upset the, er, apple cart.

@breadofwonder: I know, but I was just giving another potential scenario. As it is I think we landed on the "neutral ground" where nothing really good happens, but nothing really bad happens either.

@breadofwonder: Can you imagine the number of lawsuits Apple would fire off with those patents, though? If Apple won, you can bet that innovation in the smartphone industry would grind to a halt.

@robert101455: Well yeah, I know there's a contract in place but it's not like Apple was strong-armed into it. They had a choice, and that was their decision.