Thanks for the honesty. I feel the same way - If it’s not fun, I don’t play it. I’ve got stuff to do and playing a game “until” it becomes fun is not on my list of things to do today.
Thanks for the honesty. I feel the same way - If it’s not fun, I don’t play it. I’ve got stuff to do and playing a game “until” it becomes fun is not on my list of things to do today.
Thanks for the slow mo! My mind can’t move this fast. Biles is such a badass and an awesome athlete.
Good to know, thanks
Thanks for talking about the importance of safety. Like you explained, the woman in labor might be in so much pain they can’t think about anything else. It’s great hearing advice for the partner to be aware of driving safe, dealing with emergencies, etc. Great article!
It seems like everyone has the sense to ditch him, except for Donna Karan. She spoke out in defense of him and said among other things that woman need to look at how they are presenting themselves. She said are women “asking for it?
It takes a lot of courage to come forward with this experience. Terry Crews knows he has nothing to gain by speaking out. He will no doubt be blamed for not doing more, not naming his accuser, not saying something sooner, and every other thing people do to blame the victim and take responsibility off of the…
I agree, season one was good. I wouldn’t jump in now because there is some back story playing out and long lingering looks you won’t understand.
I had no idea that was Chaz Bono. Thanks for pointing it out.
Thanks for this awesome time sink! I just lost two hours of my life and now I’m going to play a Castlevania 1-3 marathon on my NES because damn that Reaper.
OMG I loved the Friday the 13th game! Ya I just figured he was invincible like in the movies lol.
The NFL is going to make a ton of money when all these people need to buy new gear next season.
I agree! They are making the updates aggressive and intrusive to the user, when the AI is not intelligent enough to accomplish what it’s setting out to do. If they are going to try to outsmart the user, they should make sure they can be successful before releasing it to the public. Owning Apple products feels like I’m…
Anyone else think saying a probation officer is a Healer seems ridiculous?
Drug Treatment Facilities should distribute these with a business flyer attached.
I’m excited about this. I listened to the podcast and will definitely give the show a chance. Hopefully this will catch on, because I love podcasts and it would be great to see them translated into T.V. shows.
Thanks for the post. I’m a healthcare professional and almost every medication has the potential for side effects. Even too much oxygen (because of free radicals) is dangerous and too much water can kill you (Water intoxication). Vitamin C and other water soluble vitamins have less side effects because the body can…
Thanks for writing this. After working on an ambulance as an EMT, my first thought is always that someone got hit by a car. I’m glad to have other information to replace that thought with. I think I’m going to stick with the shoes on the roof of the car story since it’s easy to visualize.
There is a second one called “Working with Jigsaw” that is pretty funny too. I recommend checking it out.
I gotta be honest, after watching the Jigsaw as a roommate video I will support anything Jigsaw says to do lol.
I recommend as a motivational podcast for bringing in extra income. The episodes are really short, but there is something about it that makes you want get off your butt and start a side hustle!