I set this on my DVR tonight, now I’m not excited to watch it. Darn you Erik Adams. :)
I set this on my DVR tonight, now I’m not excited to watch it. Darn you Erik Adams. :)
Regardless of how you feel about Trump, it’s ridiculous to ask Twitter to take responsibility for what the President of the United States says.
Yeah, I really like the Good Place lol
They also need to be willing to take more risks with their show titles. We don’t need anymore shows with Good in the name. Ex: The Good Wife, The Good Place, The Good Fight, The Good Doctor, etc.
Love the video. I’m not a huge fan of speed runs, but I support anything that keeps people interested in old school gaming. I have to admit that every time I start watching a speed run, I can’t stop watching.
I hope they come out with an iPhone version too.
This game looks really interesting. I always like when they use cool games to educate. I can’t wait to play it and I will try not to be devastated each time one of my creatures drops dead.
I lost faith in Nintendo when they announced they weren’t releasing anymore of the NES Classics. They keep slow releasing and limiting production which is empowering scalpers and resellers. My passion is for the original NES and I would have loved to buy the NES Classic, but It was such a nightmare trying to get one…
Thanks for the article. The biggest step I had to take to cut back on gaming was being honest with myself. I had to admit that I can’t be a World of Warcraft “part-time” player. So for WOW I had to go cold-turkey. My other game systems were pretty easy to manage because the current systems over charge for everything,…
Thanks for the review. I saw Friend Request on Netflix and actually liked it a lot, but this one looks bad. Since this already came out in Germany, people can also read the opinions of others who have seen it, and horror fans agree with you too. Guess I will pass on this one.
How have I never heard of this? This is weird but you had me at the Micheal Myers Halloween character. Check out Leatherface making an entrance:
This looks like a cool game and I’d definitely give it a try. I’m a huge fan of Halloween and horror so I prefer this kind of game over a family style board game. Any idea what age groups it’s being marketed to? With the killing teens gameplay, I assume it is geared more towards adults than children.