
Oh, that’s totally worth it! I can watch some stuff on the PBS Roku app just by itself, but I think it’s just for a certain amount of time

Did your mom tape over it for a Stargate SG-1 marathon??

I don’t think so? I’ve only seen one season so far, the one from two years ago? Whichever was the only one on Netflix. But I need MORE


OMG I forgot about that one.


I LOVED the video!! I remember waiting for it to come on TV so I could record it. I had a VHS tape that was music videos and an N’Sync behind the scenes special that was on Disney Channel and a Britney Spears interview on Rosie O’Donnell’s talk show

When all I really want is to hooold you tiiight

Definitely!! They would have used dramatic music and cutaways to suspicious glances

Yes! And they all seem to really care about each other, they have a camaraderie that is always nice to see that you don’t see on other reality shows. When one of them messes up, the others try to make them feel better

It def keeps me on the edge of my seat in a way the Olympics usually doesn’t

Hm, I’d never heard of her, but she definitely looks like she could pull of a young Brit.


OMG who do you think will play Brit and JT??? Casting ideas???

You forgot one

Hahaha, when I played with my boyfriend he got to see another side of me. It was brutal.

It’s still one of my faves. And I get very competitive.

It always makes me giggle a bit when repeating an outfit is a news item in the ‘bloids. (At least People Vanity Fair [fixed] seemed to be a little nicer about it than some I’ve seen)

I mean, I get why people use it—it’s inexpensive and easy to install, and a good neutral. I wouldn’t choose it for my OWN place, but I get it.

I think I saw that one. I just. No.