flare jeans with shit on the back pockets and the sudden re-emergence of peasant blouses
flare jeans with shit on the back pockets and the sudden re-emergence of peasant blouses
OMG hipster boyfriend bringin home groceries, I dig it
I was 15 and I thought her style was the COOLEST
Didn’t he appear on her MTV reality show that was basically a spinoff of Newlyweds? I FORGOT about that!!
Oh, it has been an embarrassingly long time since I’ve washed mine
What year is it??? I forgot Ryan Cabrera existed
I don’t wash my sheets nearly as often as I should so that’s my main plan. And my hand wash stuff! I have a whole pile of stuff to hand wash! (Also NEVER BUY HAND WASH ONLY)
Eh, I was being general. The people shitting on Jezebel in that thread clearly hate Jez enough to find other places to go. I don't know.
BLESS YOU. Drooling. Can’t wait to try this!!! Yummmm.
I heard rumblings but I wasn’t sure where it was!! I LOVE Russ & Daughters, may have to make a trip there this weekend
I EAGERLY await this story.
Wish I had something stronger, but grabbed a beer from the fridge—Magic Hat Stealin’ Time—and about to order some sushi. Weird combo?
The bf and his dude friends from their fantasy football league are doing a draft trip this weekend, so probably going for a girls’ brunch at some point. And laundry. Lots of laundry.
I saw that, and it was a bummerrrrrr. It kind of made me think maybe it was that kind of thing that always made me feel a little unwelcome there, never could quite put my finger on it.
I need to know WHAT kind of person buys William Shatner’s kidney stone.
I think it’s Jon Cryer with his dick on fire
so accurate it hurts