
I LOVED Starring Sally J Friedman as Herself

I have slept comfortably alone for years with a top sheet, and it’s my favorite thing to slip between soft cotton sheets, but for some reason whenever my boyfriend is over his thrashing and indiscriminate cover-pulling reduces the top sheet to a ball under his feet! I don’t know how it happens, and I can only hope it

I had trouble articulating how I felt after reading this post—just, it’s lovely, and almost made me cry. Beverly Cleary’s work means so much to me.

Why the hell are there so many verb forms of smite???

oh man I love a grilled cheese with tomato, but it needs one more ingredient...

Smited? I think that’s right? You’d think a degree in English would give me a little more confidence in these matters...

My mom told me that some of the ladies will pencil in their initials on the title page so that they know which ones they’ve already read! Which is simultaneously the funniest and most adorable thing I’ve ever heard

you’reverywelcome :)

“...and when she reached for the pitcher on the uppermost shelf, Josiah breathlessly witnessed a cream-colored ankle. The sight of her skin, usually well-covered with thick woolen stockings, shocked and aroused him.”

oh, it’s a big thing! I haven’t read any myself, but I’m sure there’s lots of eyes locking across the crowded church and secret longing for the butcher’s son


The library always seems to be where they’re eager to start, doesn’t it? My best friend used to work in the public library in our college town, and it’s been an ongoing battle for YEARS with the city council/mainly one councilman who seems to have a vendetta against the library.

My mom is a public library director, and they have some seniors who come in on an almost daily basis—little old white haired ladies who check out MULTIPLE romance novels a week. Some stick to the fairly sizable Christian romance section my hometown’s library has (rural southern small town), but some of the ladies will

Whaaaaat talk about burying the lede

also, y’all, I miss I Thee Dread :(

brb sending this to my boyfriend

27 next month

Ahh gotcha