
It’s now my desktop at the office.

I want that hanging on my wall

I’ve nearly killed myself in a changing room of a store trying to put on a romper I thought was a dress

I’ve heard both—from Greek Americans in Queens, no less. I think at some point so many people pronounced it gy-ro that people just kind of shrugged their shoulders and went “eh”

Zac is all growed up and my childhood crush is baaaack. Definitely wrote him a letter when I was ten years old.

What I love about the show is how they all really seem to have a camaraderie that is so nice, a good palate cleanser from the “I’m not here to make friends” of most reality shows. By the last half of the season I don’t think there was anyone there I didn’t like!

Oh no the Baked Alaska! I got so much secondhand mortification when he threw it all awayyyyyyy

Oh, absolutely. He’s always been the least interesting superhero.

He’s very much Stock Handsome White Man

Oh sweetie. Just sit there and look pretty. The talking just ruins it.

If a guy dressed like that tried to hit on me I would be unable to keep myself from laughing in his face. WHO are these girls who are into that??

I mean, you’d know

lol at all the bros replying to me about how Yale won—

No lie the most romantic story I’ve ever heard


Whaaat no way

Baylor’s going to beat them in the first round anyway, so he’s not even needed


Precursor to

Oh god I’m dying