
I used to work at a hedge fund and it seemed like every single one of those dudebros had the gingham shirt complete with the fleece vest that they kept on their chair in the office. I don’t know what it is about working in finance that keeps your torso especially chilled.

I can’t do that, I have too many people I love there.

I used to, and I still have a lot of friends and family there. All of this shit is breaking my heart.

And we are allll together. *hangs head*

As a Kentucky native, I really want to let y’all keep that title.

I was just remarking to my bf that I only now realized that he looks like Hank Azaria. A way less awesome, totally shitty GOP Hank Azaria.

Thisthisthis. While you have your usual money-hungry attention whores, I’m sure at least half of the girls genuinely believe this show can help them find love, and if not on their initial season, maybe if they play their cards right they can be on another show in the franchise.

Kentucky is not a fun place to be a democrat.

I feel like most of the people who come on this show become heightened versions of themselves—Olivia was already kind of self-involved and very ambitious in a way that could be off-putting, so with a little goading the producers could really mold her into their perfect villain.

That is amazing. Thank u Canada

More like <insert holiday> delicious amorphous blob

Ehh, not my fave. I don’t generally like white chocolate that much, though.

They’re my favorite and I’ve been receiving them in every Easter basket, Christmas stocking, Halloween candy bucket, and Valentine gift bag for as long as I can remember. I consider myself something of an expert.

good luck out there I believe in u

Remember in high school when you wore those kinds of jeans and thought you looked so cool

Best is the seasonal Reese’s shapes. The best, in this order:

OH my goodness!! And that expression!! Bless you. What a cutie pie.

Your high school English Lit teacher sounds like my kind of people

oh no oh no oh no