
And he can sometimes be a bit of a workaholic *wink*

Oof. These guys are a prime example of being insanely mediocre, but at the right place at the right time (with the right amount of wealth).

He seems to be getting rid of them the moment the crazy starts to pop up! I guess great for his wife hunt, less great for TV.

the winning lady gets Ben AND tuberculosis

That is so apt.

they’ll survive on their love and then die together

Oh, definitely. They got burned with JP, and Ben is very very safe.

I feel bad for her. She acts as though this idiotic show is her only chance at love, when there are plenty of men out there who would love a sweet, innocent, boring, attractive girl.

Poor Ben is the guy you always had a crush on in school and then you actually talk to him and he’s bland as a sleeve of unsalted crackers. Bless his heart, he’s very cute and very sweet, but he’s very “what you see is what you get.”

I bought cheddar goldfish today and offered some to my coworker and his face lit up like he was a damn six year old on Christmas

They’re the little kids who try to make up new rules to the game while you’re playing it because they know they’re losing

YES! That which strikes fear in the heart of the GOP makes my own heart sing

“We are just one justice away from the Second Amendment being written out of the Constitution altogether...And if you vote for Donald Trump in this next election, you are voting for undermining our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.”

I'm from Kentucky. I get it.

Sure they’re for the children. For the shiny happy white children that play football and go to the sockhop and make their nickels workin’ afternoons at the soda shop

The Onion is too real nowadays.

6th birthday: “Yeah, I really don’t think this is working out...”

Fuck this motherfucker.


aw, to each their own! I for one lovvvee a yummy flaky crust (as long as the ratio to filling is good)