“shrill” – defined as “the rising shrill of women’s voices”– and “psyche” – for which the example sentence is, “I will never really fathom the female psyche”. “Grating”, defined as “sounding harsh and unpleasant”, was illustrated with the phrase “her high, grating voice”, while the adjective “nagging” used the…
Waitwaitwait Michael Caine too??? Noooo. :(
annnnd probably does
the fuuuuuuck
At least now I don’t freak out if a stray hair grazes my leg.
Dealt with two bedbug treatments last year, and ours was a fairly mild infestation. It was a nightmare—turned out they had been living (and breeding) in the crevices of my bed. I think even worse than having them is the stigma—it’s embarrassing to tell people you have bedbugs, because there’s the worry that they’ll…
YEP and also making all the periods 12.5 font and then the commas and then the quotation marks
I’m seriously stressed out imagining how sticky everything would end up
When I worked at the hospital it was very much drilled into me that HIPAA violations were a biiiig fuckin’ deal, and that was just on the admissions end. Had to take mannnny webinars about dealing with patient information.
he made all the punctuation marks 12.5 font and that’s what happened
I’m fairly certain that at most hospitals they wouldn’t have cameras in most patient areas because of HIPAA—but someone correct me if I’m wrong! I worked for about a year in a small-town hospital doing admissions for the ER, and I’m trying to remember if that was the case.
Also, the picture of a stoic, uncrying two-year-old Trump is very unsettling
He always speaks like a college student losing steam while writing his final paper and trying desperately to make the word count by just restating the same thing over and over in different ways
I think she’s interested in the endgame, but I think the things that go with it not as much. Call me a dreamer.