oh god
oh god
Ohhhh there’s a code. Nvrmind.
Ohhhh there’s a code. Nvrmind.
Clicked through to look at the kitchen scale and it’s showing on Amazon for $14.99!
Clicked through to look at the kitchen scale and it’s showing on Amazon for $14.99!
There’s a new cat cafe in NYC that just opened up that isn’t really a bar, but they do serve wine and beer and sake: http://www.konekonyc.com/
Goddammit Canada
Damn SCAPA—I did Speech and Drama in middle school and we always went to the competition at WKU and they always SWEPT. So you should know that if you were involved in that particular activity I’ve been conditioned to hate you
I would LOVE the secrecy aspect as long as I was allowed to tell like two people all the secrets
That is a very good kitty. :)
oh my god that is amazing (and TERRIFYING)
hahahahahahaha*cries softly so roommates can’t hear*
Or when a Jez post has been cross-posted to Gawker.
At Christmas my Memaw was talking about estate sales or whatever and said that sometimes buyers will try to “Jew you down.” While we all ate breakfast with my Jewish boyfriend.
Yeah but that’s what the confetti’s for!!
Grandpa escaped the home again, we’ve gotta go pick him up
oh god that gif