
Star War: Woke AF

Or a calendar with a different one for every day!

She probably has an alarm set for 3am for her downstairs poop timez

Kumail <3<3<3

damn :(

can my boyfriend come

There was a REMAKE?? Whyyyyyy

ily ok

I. LOVE. THIS. MOVIE. It’s a fave with my family from way back. I’ll have to suggest we watch it this year!!

I’m dying

Man, people nowadays just can't take a joke!!!

I. Am. So. Happy.

Fucking fuck this motherfucker

Now playing

Kelly Faircloth: I hate this on principle, because there is only one “How Deep Is Your Love,” and it’s by the Bee Gees.

someone forgot to blend after applying foundation

I like where this thread has ended up

I’m with your gf except about my bf

I didn’t say it

Love! And I’m going to have the theme from Laura stuck in my head the rest of the day—one of my best friends as a kid was named Laura, and my mother is one of those people who has a song for everything :)