
Waithe additionally admitted that while she was tempted, she consciously made a decision not to address the situation on social media when news broke, because it was “too nuanced.”

There was an establishing shot that was just power lines, a vague outline of a skyscraper and lightning in the sky and it was just so Atlanta. Like, if I didn’t know that the show was shot in and about Atlanta I would still *feel* Atlanta, just outside of downtown, based on that two second moment. It was weird.

The BLACKNESS of it all!

I hated Love. I will give this a try.

Yes. I always go into MyFitnessPal and plan what I’m going to eat before we get to the restaurant so I can’t go, “Oooh, that looks good” and get something without knowing how many calories are in it.

Congrats on the weight loss!

Portion control has been the answer for me. Started at 248, now at 206.

I lost 20+ lbs two separate times over the years trying two different diets: Weight Watchers and low-carb.

Changing your diet can be one of the hardest thing for people to adjust to. Depending on your work environment the pressures to eat bad can be very hard to avoid. Coworkers want to try a new restaurant every day for lunch or people bring candy/desserts/donuts for the department to snack on. Someone’s birthday seems to

I can’t overstate how important having the time/energy to cook and exercise can be to success. When the stress levels in my life are low, I have more time on my hands because less of it is spent spinning in circles in service of the stress. When I have a job that allows me to work exercise in to my daily routine,

I can vouch for this. 50 days in, 28 lbs down, and I don’t feel like I’m “punishing” myself or withholding too much. I’m also trying to be more active, but I think the biggest factor in play is portion adjustment. There are foods that I enjoy that are also not terrible for me. I just focus on those now. :)

Fair enough. You make some good points. Definitely, our minds can trick us into thinking we need more food than what we really do. And different types of training may exacerbate this dilemma.

Everybody’s different, but increasing muscle mass may be the way to go.

In most cases, I think "what the actual fuck" is an expression past its due date that has been overused to the point that it is no longer clever, expressive or descriptive; however in the case of this article, the "actual fuck" it is quite literally the problem.

Not that she should be tearing them down anyway, but these clothes seriously look like if Ann Taylor had a juniors department. I'm so sick of pretend outrage.

After many hours of prayer I realize I was wasting too much time praying and went back to staring out the window.

So, Barkley is rationalizing this by explaining that social practices he saw in the south 50 years ago should be used in figuring out whether something is acceptable today? That might get awful in a hurry.

Weightlifting is probably the easiest route for strength-building, or at least the most well-known. You might want to start out with squats and lunges and their variations and then work in some leg curls and hip adductions/abductions. Oh and if you have any back issues avoid deadlifts. Do these instead:

Oh fuck. Now whenever I put on a black t-shirt and unremarkable jeans (i.e. most of the time) I have to feel like I'm playing right into the Gap's conspiracy to suck away everyone's individuality and personal identity. From now on I'm only leaving the house wearing old-timey bathing suits with the nipples cut out.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. People seem to forget that these people are criminals. There are no special privileges for inmates. If you did something bad enough to get yourself thrown into prison, and if you end up in a SHU, then you more than likely deserve to be there. I'm sure there are some people