Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

The idiots don't show up until the 0:20 mark and the commentators have moved on by 1:00. Who edits this stuff? Don't you realize that I have way too much time on my hands and nothing better to do?

Oh I know how the dude feels. A couple weekends ago, I'm shooting the UCF/Tulsa game for a local paper and the lens hood jams on the end of my long lens. I can't get the damn thing off. It had dropped like 40 degrees since when I'd put the hood on (backward, to protect the end of the lens) and I guess it shrunk. I


During the Jets/Bills game, Solomon Wilcots called it the catch that broke Twitter, and "We now know your name, Ladell Beckham Jr."

Fire Rob Ryan. And Ray Lewis.

Everything's easy when accuracy doesn't matter. Mussina is more deserving than Smoltz, Trammell over Raines and Larry Walker was basically Edgar Martinez if Edgar Martinez were also a gold glove outfielder.

Maybe because you aren't paying attention? 30 year olds with cancer are a very tiny subset of cancer sufferers.

Let me be the first one to call bullshit. I don't care how much he might insist to the contrary; at no point in this game did the Lions 'play football'.

once I told a guy he was gonna get owned. They booted me from the game for a slavery joke.

and here I thought it was going to be a simple "I'm going to rape you!" exchange at the tournament.
This was worse.

Welp, that convinces me:

Actually, it's about...

Brian Cox is one of those actors like Judy Davis or Rutger Hauer that I will watch in literally anything. If you haven't seen him as the original Hannibal Lecter in Manhunter, drop everything (that baby's heart operation can wait) and do it. Manhunter rules.

There should be a reverse distribution of the earnings based upon your placement in the constructors championship so the parity between the larger and smaller teams can be reduced.

Can't the Lakers just trade him to the Blazers, where euthanasia is legal? This is just cruel.

Hats off to Vijay.

At what point does Byron Scott grow some balls and start putting Kobe on the bench when he's clearly just being selfish? It must be hard to put in maximum effort on defense when you see one of your teammates acting this way on the other end of the floor. I don't think any other player has been given more favorable

"Yeah, you don't ever turn your back on Kobe. He'll take the shot"

Kobe Bryant—with six seconds left on the shot clock—took a shot that has a historic success rate of 12%, rather than dribbling or passing to one of his teammates, almost all of whom were shooting better, and definitely smarter, than Kobe.

I'm so confused. :(