Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Forget the beans. I've got about 150lbs of canned tuna (plus another 200lbs of fresh frozen loins and bellies) I put away after a great season fishing of the WA coast this summer and have learned a thing or two about putting it to its best use. Here's what you need for the best damn tunafish salad/sandwich in the


If you were just gonna make up some wacky dish, you could've at least chosen something a little more believable than this.

I accidentally fed a couple of my fingers to a hedge trimmer and I am thankful that all I've lost is a little feeling and hand strength. Ugh, can't imagine having that happen.

Pre-industrial milling? Please motherfucker, the Romans first industrialized flour production in the late first century C.E.

The flaw is made deliberately. A good microcosm of this can be found in Colorado Spring's "City for Champions" project, where the inflated estimates, I'm sure, have absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the mayor pushing this project was in turn pushed into office by a pair of developers who stand to benefit

Black and tan is not a good thing to say to the people of Ireland. (google it). They refer to that combo as a half and half.

But, as the article points out, most of the people out and about are spending money they would have spent elsewhere within the Cleveland area, they are just doing it on game night at Barley house and Sushi Rock down on West 6th street instead of buying food that's prepared near the street. Cleveland civic leaders and

Incorrect. It very reliably means "expensive".

Well, we can start saving money by not spending it on economic impact studies, when we can just ask this guy what he sees.

Sorry, using "nite" made me disregard the entirety of your argument.

And the best part is, it's magic new money that was fabricated out of thin air rather than being diverted from discretionary spending elsewhere!

"Artisan" is a skilled craftsman who makes things strictly by hand. Aside from being an outdated, increasingly-irrelevant (and douchey) term, these guys aren't even using it properly. They take grain and then use electric-powered, automated machines to grind and process the flour, calling the resulting product

They're still using Chicago municipal tap water to mix dough instead of drilling their own artesian well below the store and getting it straight from the earth.

If only we could all get back to subsistence farming. No more dying at 75 from cancer when we should be dying at 35 from malnutrition.

If they are delivering a high quality product and people are willing to buy, who am I to complain. I mean it's not like they are charging $9 for grits.....wait.

Oooooo, so THAT's why people die so much earlier now than they did in the 1600's.

the dooks of hazard

I feel like I'm reading a Deadspin "poo of the week" letter inside of a Jalopnik article.

I don't trust a man who has never shit his pants at least once