Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Not sure if you’ve heard of a team out east called the New Jersey Devils - they’re kind of obscure - but you should read about their history as a hockey club.

Drove me nuts as a child.

Damn, I was literally shopping for one of these last night. I think I’ll get one anyway and compare them, return the one I don’t want. I’ve got several 2+TB drives that I’ve let get out of control.

Damn, I was literally shopping for one of these last night. I think I’ll get one anyway and compare them, return the

Though you speak the truth, Davis gave Elway something he had never really had in his career (which is a damned shame, he had an amazing, HoF career, but was never surrounded with the level of talent he had for those last two amazing seasons, for a long time it was Elway, Sharpe and Smith, and a mediocre-to-good

I like your comment and have starred it appropriately.

Who are we to lay blame on here? It was related to a DRAG RACE, and occurred in New York, a communist state, AND perpetrated by a moving vehicle, just showing another way they are so much more deadly than guns. Yet, we don’t hear any of these bleeding heart liberals condemning these attacks by cross-dressers


When he was still eensy-weensy in size, Angry Birds and Cut the Rope were some of the earliest things we ever bonded over that went beyond the typical cuddling, tickling and other such early-childhood experiences. Though we have a lot more things we enjoy together at this age, it’s still nice to hop him up on my lap

This. A lot of people in this comment section seem to have trouble distinguishing between “out of my view,” “out of view,” “nonexistent,” and forget that they may not be the target demographic for some things. Angry Birds won’t ever reach the levels of enthusiasm it used to have, but it’s far from a faded star. Though

Have no idea if this is an original joke or not, but it’s new to me and I love you for it.

It boggles the mind.

This comment needs to be firmly planted at the top of all comment sections of articles pertaining to this clusterfuck.

The fact that it at least appears to have two functioning, COLOR-MATCHED exterior door handles makes this thing rare.

I bought a brand new 3s when they first launched and it was a horrible mistake. I really loved the car, but in the 4 months I owned it, it made 6 trips to the dealership, 5 of those on the back of a tow truck. The shift linkage seemed to break at least once every two weeks, always when I was putting it in reverse to

+1 can of brake cleaner to get the oil off the back of the motor.

I see they finally moved that a/c line in front of the alternator so that you don’t have to spend 20 minutes twisting and turning it out after getting it unbolted.

BMW and the more common Mercedes motors have almost always been a pleasure to work on, at least for me. They feel more like “component replacement,” as compared to the grit and grime wrenching in domestic, or even Asian, autos, if you get what I’m saying. What year is your Elantra though? I spent a few years as a

Honestly, anything 05 or 07+ Kiandai is pretty damn simple. I used to be over used car inspection and repair for a local Kia dealer and would deal with Sporkages, Optimas, and Sorentos that were returning from lease programs with local car rental agencies. Oil, coolant, trans fluid, wiper blades, balance, and

I’ve never gotten to work on a Tesla, but I was fully trained and certified for Leafs as a Nissan tech and they are insanely easy to work on. 99% of the course was safety-related, the rest felt more like playing with large legos. It makes me wish I had stuck around long enough to see them have real problems, and not