Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

I love wrenching shows, ive watched them as long as i remember. They were funny in a way, as i started seriously tearing cars apart and attempting to put them back together in my early teens, i’d watch them and think, “Wow, with a little experience, I could do that..” Hobby eventually turned to profession, and I spent

Hell yeah, that thing must be unstoppable. I'd star you if i could.

I know rubbins racin’ but this is a step (slap?) too far.

Mmm, had one of these in blue for sale in front of an AutoZone I managed. Had 97k on the dash. Took six months to sell it at its 4k asking price, mostly because it got stolen TWICE and the driver door handle didn't work. Almost bought it a couple times myself.

You are correct. Also, to be a really nice gal or guy, consider this: If it’s something you would normally do (ie a place you normally eat at, or get a haircut, etc) and not something you are doing just because you have a coupon, or they have a deal, work out what you would have paid, including tip, and give them the

My roommate and I were leaving a Walmart one afternoon nine years ago or so when someone ran up and tackled him. My roommate at the time (he later reenlisted and eventually retired) was former US Army, trained in martial arts, a former boxer, and in very, very good shape. Needless to say, the guy who tackled him was

“Who knew one testicle could produce so much? It was like an ocean wave of squirmy, cholesterol-filled goodness! Through the chunky coat of jizz covering my eyes, I turned to see Lenny Dykstra, recently released from his latest state-sponsored internment, diving headlong into the tarp covering the floor, riding the

Damn, I didn’t even know the US Open was going on. I’m not a huge tennis fan, but it’s always good for at least background noises (if I turn it up loud enough I like to think the grunts will make my neighbors think I have a girlfriend). Does anyone know where I can go to find out if it’s on TV and what channel it

Let me dig into the legality of writing such a story (I’m sure Canseco would be on board, Bonds not so much) and get back to you on that.

Jesus fuck guys, I’m sorry. It was past my bedtime and I’m still getting used to how the mixture of gabapentin, oxycodone and xanax messes with my thought process. Normally I would hit “Cancel” instead of “Publish” after writing something like this.

Ugh, a meshback/trucker cap? As a hat enthusiast myself, I feel this is unacceptable. What is this, 1991? What is Joe Flacco doing with his life? Also this whole "truth in labelling" thing has gone too far. First GMOs, which i will not get into, and now hats? Seriously, we know it's a fucking hat, California. Even if

I HAD THE SAME REACTION! I’d love it if Chuck dove headlong into absurd major league (any sport really) ero-fanfiction featuring real life players. I’d gladly pay for a short story involving our protagonist being ravaged by roided up ex-MLB players. I can only imagine his depiction of being split in two while being

That’s the first thing that came to mind while I was watching it, too. This is an excellent example of why fielders should stick to the fundamentals every single time — Cleveland should be credited with turning a fairly routine play into a run scored every bit as much as Donaldson should. On another note, with just

What world is that going to be where people are role playing who they are at work, and a different person at the bar, etc. because it became OKAY to just make up whatever you needed to add interesting to your life.

Possibly, but more likely that its just a side effect of the whole anti-establishment "outsider" pretense of the blog.

I’ve heard this one before, but it's been so long that, just for a moment, I saw it as an original and laughed heartily (not that I wouldn't have/didn't when I had seen it a few times). Thank you for bringing this back for me, I will star you when your comment (hopefully) makes it out of the grays.

Fun fact: The normal version of this joke was, as a 7 or an 8 year old, the first “dirty” joke my dad ever told me.

“14 NFL teams had been paid a total of more than $5 million over the past four seasons through Department of Defense contracts to put on displays that “honor” the troops.”

Ouch, those laces cut deep on a straight impact, let alone on a blow like that. hope he’s doing okay and will later learn to love his future Badass Facial Scar.

Yes, thankfully. Though as someone who is currently undergoing cancer treatment myself, “easily” is a relative term, chemo fucking sucks.