Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

I still have PTSD from working in a shop/dealership that loved buying and reselling Insights and Civic Hybrids. How many different vehicles do you have to let someone drive before they realize that not shifting and shutting off at lights is normal for once? I used the phrase “These are Hondas, not Dodges” at least

I’ve always taken care of this one way: When I move into a new place, I meet my neighbors and tell them a few things: I have kids. Kids make noise. If my kids make too much noise, knock on the floor/ceiling/wall. Lastly, I tell them to make as much noise as they want, because I’m not a delicate fucking flower who

Yeah, there’s only been a couple of really good, affordable deals on interesting products. Oddly enough, the first thing I bought today was an item (one of those color changing mood lights) that was listed as an alternative “Customers also bought this item:” to the lightning deal. Not only did the one I buy cost $5

Yeah, there’s only been a couple of really good, affordable deals on interesting products. Oddly enough, the first

I wouldn't be amazed to see some kind of buy one get a controller or game(s) for free bundle, but would be shocked (and pleasantly surprised) to see a discount on the console itself.

I wouldn't be amazed to see some kind of buy one get a controller or game(s) for free bundle, but would be shocked

Xenoblade perhaps? A deal on a new 3DS may make me bite, I've always wanted one, but the Xenoblade port finally pushed me into "I'm going to get one" territory. It's running a close fourth behind a TV for my bedroom, an even better price on a good, large SSD (the 500GB one that came with my Yoga 2 is A very obvious

Xenoblade perhaps? A deal on a new 3DS may make me bite, I've always wanted one, but the Xenoblade port finally

Like Shelwood said, your best choice is to use Calibre to manage your library and include some sort of summary to the title. I had the same problem with text and PDF files on my nook and that's how I worked around it and the same applies to Kindle.

Like Shelwood said, your best choice is to use Calibre to manage your library and include some sort of summary to

definitely what the other guy says. The a kids Fire comes with a ton of preinstalled apps (mostly only partial/trial versions) that take up a large amount of space and can't (easily, possibly at all) be deleted, and of course the storage can't be expanded. So if you plan to add a lot of apps or movie/music files, I

definitely what the other guy says. The a kids Fire comes with a ton of preinstalled apps (mostly only partial/trial

It’s not pudding unless it’s fucking pudding. I’ll leave it at that.

Same here man. Started reading Spidey when I was six, I’m 31 now, two kids, haven’t bought a physical issue of any Spider series in years, but I will be picking this up on the way to work in the morning,

Couldn’t have said it better myself. I turn 31 this year and I had been consistently reading Spiderman from age 6 until “The Deal” (I’ve caught back up since then), but even as a kid the relationship bits (for some obvious and not so obvious reasons) were a huge part of what I loved about Spider-Man.

I can't even tell myself. I'd like to say people like this don't actually exist, but I work with one. One of my drivers, who is (self) diagnosed with celiac disease, repeatedly suggested that I should try a gluten-free diet before trying any of the treatments my doctors suggested for my "stomach problems," and that

I'm going to reply to a few of your points here, though I have read through this whole thread (minus the gray). Firstly, I completely get where you're coming from, but as you stated as a possibility, your reaction is because the concept of taking pleasure from the idea of rape is completely alien to you, which is

Although I disagree with you about the article (it got off to a "righteous" start but turned fairly objective, if not unfocused, through the body, and while the ending was weak and teetered towards straying from the subject, it offered somewhat of a counterpoint to the beginning. It's a firm 82 paper), I completely,

We can't forget the classics: Ford Exploder and Mercury Mystaque, and my personal favorite, the Ford Scrote (if you're wondering, yes, you can actually cut up an Escort emblem and respell it as Scrote and have it look legit, I did it on a '97 I drove for a few weeks a few years ago).

For the most part I agree with you, with the exception that alcoholics ARE victims of their own decisions caused, ultimately, their addictions. Addiction is never an excuse, and he deserves punishment for not abiding to terms that he agreed to. However, the ides that an addict can "just say no," is pretty ignorant and

85% of current day "Seahawks fans" did not exist prior to 2013, so I guess who better to aim their ire against than the guy leading a team who didn't even show up to the Super Bowl? I mean it's not like there's a fairly storied rivalry against a team within their own division they could turn to. That would mean having

I was half way through before I realized D'Agostini was the woman in the triangle, despite the first paragraph.

Seriously, how the hell can they be talking about basketball when the baseball winter meetings just went down? That's like the 2nd or 3rd most exciting time of the baseball offseason, which would put it at least on par with second round NBA playoffs. I mean the Rockies signed Doug Descalo! Where's my analysis??

I number my lists the same way, so I love you and agree with you. Except I also support a 60 game season.

I like the way you think. Very... Criminal.