Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Model rocket clubs make a huge resurgence with the introduction of My Mini SAM-Site kits to the market.

Ah, the best kind of foul.

although Isee where you're coming from, this shit happens regardless of income or net worth. I was driving a 1989 Audi 100s I paid $400 for when I got t-boned by some guy who ran a red in a Kia Rio. His insurance company sued mine for his broken jaw and missed work after they dug up some old lady as a witness to say

That's not a Taurus, it's an Aspire. You can tell because it's obviously painted some sort of pastel.

Weird, I've seen that meme at least a dozen times, but never with the two (presumably) added lines at the bottom.

Haha mine did the same thing, but I wasn't disappointed! I quite enjoyed the article, which is rare when it's about something I have little to no interest in.

I had the same thought while reading through the number crunching, and while you're almost certainly right, false rape accusations with ulterior motives OTHER than ruining someone's life, your deductions fall right in line with what IronMikeGallego said regarding it not having enough evidence to really skew the

God , it was so much worse last year. He was taking bio 032 and spent weeks going on about how if Adam and Eve were the only two people on Earth. Then we would have to have been products of incest. Seriously he brought it up every time he met someone.

Hi, I'd first like to congratulate you on your television appearance! It might have just been a case of being in the right place at the right time, but good job! Not everyone gets to be in the back of a live report like that, you should be proud.

Not only do they rile up anger, but they rile up anger in the wrong direction. They breed contempt between two (and more) groups of people in ultimately the same position - poverty. I don't pretend my struggle as a poor white man is on equal footing with a poor black man's, especially regarding the justice system, but

Man, if you've ever pretended to be a teen year old boy on VK, you'd know why they have an aversion. Not saying it's right, but holy shit.

good thing he doesn't fancy himself classy, we may never have gotten these wonderfully clever and witty jokes.

[all police officers in the United States stand in solidarity I'm boycotting products advertised through NFL games, including beer, liquor and wine]

Unless your One was a launch edition, your controller should still be under warranty, shouldn't it? Could have sworn they had 1 year warranties.

Still, 1TB SSD? I remember roughly 5 year ago there was one on the market and it was $15,000. My how things change.

How much of this controversy had been manufactured by Washington's PR and front office just to guarantee that media and the locals would have something to talk about other than the name controversy. At very least most of the leaks were planned, right?

He and Cam Newton would be fighting over that job at this rate. The one who doesn't get it takes over the others old job just to raise the stakes.

But.. But its about not supporting slavery! The headline even says so!

Oh, boy, here we go..

Oh, I know. I hear it from my oncologist all the time, especially considering my type of cancer (colon) is very, very rare for someone my age with no family history. We're currently going down the ulcerative colitis route, have an appointment with a GI doctor to schedule a full colonoscopy (long story as to why I