Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

Oh no, don't get me wrong on the ghetto reference! It's definitely a multicultural ghetto, if not segregated block by block. Also, I live in it. Many of my customers are my neighbors, and I often found myself putting parts on that I had sold earlier in the week before i got sick. Cant beat the rent and the fact that

Haha, one of my favorite customers has a very pretty purple Jag sitting in her yard with a bad valve (skips like a school girl), been there for six months. Hoping she'll have finally come down on the price by the time my leave of absence is over, I'll flip that thing in an instant if I can make it worth the labor (I

lol Thanks, and I wish I could!

My first car was a 2-door 5-speed "iris"-colored 1994 Ford Aspire (fairly surprised it didn't pop up on this list, I once got 440 miles out of its little 8 gallon gas tank on the highway, not bad for a purple pregnant roller skate), I managed to fit seven in. It didn't hurt that, with the exception of myself and my

I manage an AutoZone (yes, ugh, AutoZone) in a pretty rough part of town (the fucking ghetto) and I have to deal with this all the damned time. People trying to look "Baller on a Budget" makes my job an absolute headache. I get everything from people in Magnums/Chargers/300Cs claiming they have the Hemi and inevitably

That's always the question, isn't it? Revenge/vengeance (this is absolutely what I'm talking about here) has been shown time and time again to provide no real justice, or deterrent and little to no comfort or satisfaction for the victims and their families. Which is why emotion isn't (or shouldn't be) the rule of

recipe pls

I'm usually not in favor of capital/corporal punishment, but I've always loved the idea of child abusers spending a few years being smacked around and neglected by someone much bigger and stronger than them, with nobody to reach out to for help. I have two children of my own and the very thought of a child being

That's a hell of a deal. The fact that he will avoid the felony charge and mention of the assault being on a child will certainly help him when applying for jobs and trying to get his act together.

I absolutely agree with what you've said with the exception of how much you blame play calling, and although I don't completely agree with sino428's assessment , either I tend to lean more towards on field personnel being the bigger issue in most cases (the Raiders could have their plays called by a lab full of super

true enough. Looking at the stats, however, just made me feel bad for Jay Cutler (not that he cares), too. He, like Eli, has thrown a ton of picks, but has also been hit enough times to start showing symptoms of battered spouse syndrome.

not a bad idea! This shit is disgraceful and needs to go.

Well, I was just addressing the topic at hand, but great point: I totally forgot about the shitty offensive line. Not too surprising, considering the Giants front office did the same thing, apparently.

Totally agree. I used to work the ramp for Delta and we'd occasionally get an ATR-72 (obviously totally different experience than a P-51) and it was always an experience. Terrible design, 10,000 rules that had to be followed completely different than any of the jets we got in, archaic interior (cigarette pack holder

oatmeal also works great but I definitely would not recommend it for newer vehicles. Also deer intestines work great to replace various hoses in a pinch.

I think its a case of "we're gonna try this first before we even think about spending money for a new OC and a some receivers worth a shit." I'm not a Giants fan, nor an Eli Manning fan but I'm honestly feeling a bit sorry for him. He's not an elite QB, he definitely has his pick problems amongst other things, but he

Never trust a pig farmer. 🐷

it's actually meant to be a more accurate headline suggestion, thus the font matching the font of the article headline.

Thanks! Getting a little stronger every day.

I have colon cancer with a positive prognosis and I'm often so weak I find it hard to stay on my feet for more than thirty minutes at a time. I could not imagine being able to move at anything more than "hobbling speed" let alone competing in a game. She is an inspiration and I hope she knows that, as proud of