I know that feeling. Nothing gets me more ramped on Sunday than to watch a Broncos game at Mile High.
I know that feeling. Nothing gets me more ramped on Sunday than to watch a Broncos game at Mile High.
not sure about the UK, but usually that kind of forensics would require a court order/warrant. The most common situation you'll find in the context of this article is a police officer attempting to search your phone during a traffic stop (most common scenario being a stop for distracted driving to prove you were…
He was never going to throw a strike. Perez was caught in the moment , MB knew, and took advantage of it knowing that even if Perez managed to get his head straight and lay off those insane pitches and walk, it wasn't going to hurt the situation. It was devious.
His winning formula is pitch selection, which was on an elite level this while series and location. When he's on, he and Posey seem to know what a batter is going to do, even better than the batter does. The subject of this article is proof positive of that. MB has some good stuff, but not great, his planning on the…
The whole lineup had that problem every time MB was on the mound, that is if they weren't swinging into an out on the first pitch. Perez's act really was shameful and undisciplined though. First was open, two outs, it should have been insanely obvious that he was never going to get anything worth hitting, but he let…
didn't know that about WalMart. I knew they had no problems with RVs staying a while though. As for truck stops, the lot lizards mostly stick to the truck side, but don't be surprised if they knock on your window and ask "are you okay?" Every once in a while.
Sorry, that's reserved for fucking T-Mobile commercials. MLB (and/or Fox) needs to prove baseball is still MURRICA'S game by shoving another anthem (sung exclusively by service members, no less!) down our throats.
This man is a genuine fucking stud.
Agreed. I got Spidey #1, Bats not even on the list. Can't stand characters who have the rules rewritten just to win a fight.
Well said, man. I was infuriated that, given the context of both Romo's past back injuries and Weeden leading two scoring drives, Romo was lauded as some kind of warrior for returning after a shot of cortisone and a smack on the ass. It seemed really risky to me and Romo was obviously very gun shy under pressure.
I'd be angry if someone was trying to take pictures of me looking like a moron, too. Seriously, I can think of five ways to wear those headphones and not look so stupid.
Been watching games with one of my best friends for years now, he understands what he's seeing, when someone is struggling, when a penalty should or should not be called, etc, but it was only this past Thursday did I realize that he doesn't know what a fucking sack is. Apparently for the last ten years of watching…
Actually, i don't own my own car, so i very rarely drive and it's even more rare that I'm the only one in a car.
It never hurts. Some jurisdictions will not respond (often as a matter of policy) to any calls regarding anything but the worst traffic infractions (this guy is swerving/running reds/driving aggressively vs. this guy is driving on the wrong side of the road/swerving at other cars, etc), others go so far as to offer…
I brutally murdered several prostitutes in the United Kingdom at the end of the 19th century. Coppers were too stupid to even consider someone from a hundred years in the future. Totally worth it, spawned a ton of great stories.
-1 for cellphone grammar
Not quite as bad but there was a long period in which it Olds put rocket motor badges on every
"It's damn uncanny," said Harry Potter, author of semibiographical tale, 'My time with Albus', "It's like someone has seen my sketches."
Give the kid a break, he's probably just feeling it for food.