Mark McGwire Breastfeeding Fantasy

I was entranced the whole time, and finally lost it at "gazebo effect." 10/10 would hope my friends would read without my insistence.

I wish man, it died in the Great Basement Flood of '95, along with a good quarter of my comics, baseball cards and anime on VHS. I guess that could be when my childhood died, which sucks because I was still pretty young haha.

Maybe he's allergic to spinach, or he's a chubby chaser.

Sometimes bursitis can be chronic with physical strain. One of my friend girls got medically discharged from the Army due to chronic bursitis, which showed up two or three months after boot and didn't fully go away until a couple of months after her discharge. Also, it was quite gross.

Some, yes. Absolutely. I have friends who know the limitations of their machines, but I also have friends who know the limitations of their machines and don't care, they'll max everything just to see what it does. Of those friends, I know at least one of them complained about how broken Battlefield 4 was on his

Maybe I'm mistaking what you're saying, but what makes you think that Ubisoft intentionally downgraded the PC version of one of their high profile AAA games?

I don't personally think it's okay for vehicles to have even hands free navigation systems (none of my vehicles do, btw), but I'm the type of person who can memorize and follow directions, and have no shame in pulling off the road to figure out where I am if I lose track. I also still think it's idiotic to use "cars

Don't get me wrong, that's not a counter argument. I honestly think that's their idiotic reasoning. Protect gamers from themselves, and in turn protect themselves (Ubi) from gamers. Little did they know that UPlay would go tits up during launch and the game would be underwhelming to a vocal fanbase.


No, I'm not trying to turn this into a dick swapping match of driving records.

If you don't pay attention to what's in your helmet, what's the point? And i understand that you evaluate everything the rode, I do too. I've been driving and riding everything with two or more wheels for nearly sixteen years (since I got my license) without a moving violation or an at-fault accident. I've been hit

65:22 real time - "Esta é uma porra de um chato esporte, podemos assistir ao futebol americano?" - Carlos

Or we could, you know, not drive distracted.

I think its largely a result of both Microsoft and Sony's (I think I'm missing someone, is there a third console out there?) license policy updates, such as no longer charging inordinate amounts of money to patch a game. Neither one of them seem to be too interested in sticking it to each other by making retarded

"Some people glance at their phones while driving, so I'm okay introducing something permanently into my field of vision on a motorcycle."

Sadly, not yet. Website says it'll be ready in 2015, though.

It was a lot, let me tell you. Even if you did everything right, taking a picture of a television screen with a film camera was a crapshoot back in the day. My best friend and I used to bust our asses trying to take photos of our crowning achievements in tons of games throughout our childhood. It was actually one of

KMFDM SUCKS is a chant screamed at KMFDM concerts by their fans. I love KMFDM.

I think that may occasionally be true in terms of child pornography, but I feel that's too much giveaway for the possibility of keeping a pedo's acts to themselves. There's still a victim there. And no, in terms of right and wrong, homosexuality is definitely in a different league compared to pedophilia, but we're not

The comparison, A) was not between pedophilia and homosexuality. Again, lolicon =/= pedophile. B) my comparison wasn't even between people enjoying the act of fapping to lolicon and partaking in homosexual sex. The comparison was between Emucratic's reaction to lolicon and my reaction to homosexual sex. We both find