
I need help. I’m remembering a scene from a movie (or tv show) where a man tells a woman “sell when you can, you’re not for all markets”. Obviously the quote is originally from As You Like It, but I cannot for the life of me remember where that scene is from, and google failed me.

Eh, there’s a good deal of doubt in the archaeological community about whether or not they found the right bones. The formula they used to date them is suspect and DNA from the bones proves that their owner had blonde hair and blue eyes, which contradicts every description/painting of Richard III in existence. It’s

The website for the Richard III Society has a whole page devoted to this. It makes sure to mention that scoliosis affects 3-4 in every 1000 British people. They also point out that Usain Bolt has scoliosis, and I honestly can’t think of anything more ridiculous than comparing Richard III to an 8 time Olympic gold

The batshit craziness of the Richard III Society is one of my all time favorite things. Did the Tudors (and the people sucking up to them) vilify him? Yeah, totally. But these people treat him like the hero of a bodice ripper. It is bonkers, and I adore it.

I’m in Austin too! What area are you in?

Wow, what an interesting read.

Invisible Cities! My favorite.

She relied heavily on her husband and never really spoke about it. My mom didn’t find out until she was an adult. It came up a lot more when she developed dimensia, it was really rough towards the end of her life.

My grandmother and her siblings were horribly abused by their grandmother. When her eldest sister was finally able to get them out and become their legal guardian my grandmother weighed about 30 lbs, she was also about 12. She had lifelong health issues related to the abuse.

Hey, just wanted to say you’re not alone. The past couple months of 2016 have really caused my anxiety to spike. I deal with it by throwing myself into projects, work or otherwise, usually works. When it doesn’t I think all you can do is rely on your people, my SO has become a pro at guiding me through anxiety

I combed through the comments looking for something positive about Mozart in the Jungle. That show is an absolute fucking delight!

Every time I try to use this technique I get dismissed with a “well you just don’t have a sense of humor”. Any tips?

This is so beautifully snarky. You have earned my respect.

This is very on the nose.

My Google assistant said “I’ll stay out of that, thanks.”

I totally agree! I think that’s how Ford knew about him and Cullen, and I also think that the way he cleans his glasses is a revery.


I did this too. I was the biggest rebel in the high school library.

Ugh, that book.