
You missed a syllable. "Man, (fuc)king Donald Trump"

Lessening the subsidies would disincentivize growing monoculture crops, too. When we get the next large scale monoculture blight, this country is fucked.

My fear is that just as Mueller is getting ready to pull the trigger, Trump presses the button instead.

Buttery Males!

a veggie-sexual? gross.

I have exclusive rights to the color VantaPurple. It is the most purple color in existence.

What did the five pancakes say to the bitch?
Coke, motherfucker!


We just want Applebees to be able to express itself. Look at Cracker Barrell, it's got 37 pieces of Flair.

Speaking of that. In a sudden realization, I'm no longer Candlejack. Candlejack's costume is no longer the innocent childhood memory it once was for me. The, uh, white hood is in really bad taste.
Sorry to everyone, I never realized.

Well, actually…

Between that and threatening to kill Colbert's employees on air, I think he's a SWELL GUY.

I don't know if your penultimate statement is true. In the 90's the closest thing to independent news were 'zines, while today anyone with an internet connection can have a blog.

I worry for those incorrectly "identified".
I wish all the worst for those correctly identified.

Holy shit. I just looked this up, that's horrifying.

Half Pokémon/ half genitalia.
Not too many of them around, but there was this one girl in college and she was hot.

Probably cribbed it from somewhere.

That statement is coherent. Who wrote it for him?

Silence them without the use of force of law.
Silence them with shame, and ridicule, and logic, and reason.
Make their words fall, unheard on the crags of stony, unwavering love.
Watch, impassively as their hateful speech is dashed, and scattered, incomprehensible, and unchased on the understanding of generations.

Fat fuck picks suits off the rack.