
Can I get a movie wherein Dave Bautista and Manu Bennet meatily stab each other for 90 minutes?
It'd probably be great.

Here's some money, go watch a star trek.

Who likes orange presidents?!

So, we should pour liquid German trump into the water supply in the congressional buildings?

Yes you can. You've met some Americans, right?

Give me all the upvotes, please! I will upvote anyone any anything at this point! Please help me!

My first awareness of him was the John Stewart interview.
His "dance for us, monkey" attitude told preeeeety much everything I needed to know about him then.

You should have signed it, "Liberal Scientists"

Risky click of the day.

or die.

He's a douche, for sure.
"Go tuck yourself, Fucker."


Liberals want things that conservatives don't.
Old conservative people tend to become more conservative over time.
More conservative people react more strongly to weaker stimulus.
Over time, conservative people are increasingly convinced that things are becoming intolerably more liberal.
This must be the fault of

"You were protecting me, and now that everyone knows it, you'll always have clients. I was doing you a favor, and I don't pay when I do a favor."
- Future Trump, probably


How do you feel about the fact that people still play Skyrim?
Like, I just started a new playthrough.

Trump thought the suggestion was to make her a Intern Communications Director. Intern.
He thought it meant he could stop paying her.

Trump didn't give Chris Christie a prominent cabinet position, because he didn't want there to be a lot of attention drawn to it when Christie disappears.

I thought you were setting it up, and no one was helping out.
So, I got it.

He hides his paralysis pretty well, to be honest.
It takes a little while watching to catch on.