
It's way better than the reviews give it credit for.

I'm waiting for the self driving cars to become a thing I can buy.

Ugh, try being liberal in Lancaster county sometime.

Whoa! Slow down there, Chompsky. No need to bring facts into this.

It's "fuck him gently with a chainsaw".

White Female: Joanne Whalley.

Dad: Well, son, the Doctor is regenerating again this season. It's… it's going to be awkward.
Son: How, so?
Dad: He's… (sobs)… He's switching from stingy to thuddy.
Son: …(slowly grins)

Yeah, too many people are quick to jump on "told you so, stupid".
It makes it uncomfortable to reintegrate.

Seriously great flick.

Lizard people from inside the hollow moon, I believe.

If we don't have Jedi in schools, who will protect them from sith bears?

Bacon Harkonen.

I really don't want Donny in charge of two countries at the same time, though.

Christian Cloning.
It's stem cell free, and uses the power of Jesus.
It's totally a thing! Hannity swears by it.!

Do something really interesting… by having an Asian martial artist?
Man, never saw one of those before!

♫ I want a squirrel with a mind like a diamond
I want a squirrel who knows what's best
I want a squirrel with shoes that cut
And eyes that burn like cigarettes ♪

I'ma Barbie Squirrel ♫
Ina Barbie World. ♪

Hard upvote for Squirrelfriend in a coma.
I can't stand Morrissey, but that shit is funny.

The only ads are going to be The General insurance, and Harvey's Mattress Barn.

I see your Champions and raise you Shadowrun.