
Pathetic: evoking pity.

Mid 80's dodge vans have a way of shutting down a legitimate molester.

Idris Elba!
I hope it's Idris Elba.

No, I know, I just…
I was trying to…

Eddie Izzard?

Yeah, I'll probably see this in a second run theatre. It'll benefit from the large screen, and the movie theatre environment, but I'm not paying $11.00 to see it new.

In the sequel, the mummy befriends the boy-child, and they fight a liquid metal wolfman together.

This is now possible.
Hold thine tongue.

Undead lives matter.

King Tit?

Top Mummy

The best way to deal with a character's backstory is to ignore it.
The comics focus on the now, and it works. Heath Ledger's Joker sprung fully formed from Zeus's head, and that movie was much the better for it.

Like all King novels, it has it moments good and bad. Some highlights include: being locked in a prison cell and left to die, a fight with a mountain lion in a movie theatre restroom, and the aforementioned scene.

Desperation is the only King book that ever legitimately scared me, when the thing was willing to run the corpse to pieces just to get at the heroes. Ugh.

Which is a weird statement, because the show was good.

He had flashbacks to his father telling him what a failure of a swimmer he was, or something like it.

Yeah, I watched that. It was odd, and engaging, but the third act k-romance was beyond me. Left turn Clyde. The entire tone just shifted, and I'm still not sure if I liked it.

And robots. Everyone can dress up as robots.

Underrated post, here.

Eric looks like he drowned a hooker in a pcp fueled rage during a frat party years ago, and jr looks like he was the only one Eric could think to call and has been keeping the secret all these years.
You can tell at one point during the night jr went off on Eric, covered in hooker blood, holding a foot in one hand and