
Adding: I must be nuts because the show seems to be universally panned, and I just can't figure out why. I think it's a great take on the IF.

I must be taking crazy pills, because I just finished watching all 13 episodes, and I really want to watch them again, now.
The late season switch actually works in this one.

I'm torn regarding the casting. "White Boy who is actually Asian in culture and skill" is causing discussion of racism, which is a good indicator that, yeah, it's racist.
…but, then again, there are metric fuck-tons of Asian-actor martial arts movies available to me. Netflix is lousy with them (which is a good thing

Ooo, that's a tempting fiction. It's the the only one that makes this whole shit show OK.

Or that time travel is possible, and changing the course of history is also possible, but that once done, the traveler is now in a similar but divergent reality.

You may have human moments here.
I mean, don't, like, make a habit of it, but once in a while is fine.

This also makes TMNT, transformers, GI Joe, Jem and the Holograms, Cerebus the Aardvark all the same universe as DC comics.

I'm gonna need more rope.

Deep state?

You mean, like, the false skin is peeled back and the cameras broadcast images of his robot face beneath, kind of exposed?
I'm working on that.

He wanted to WIN the presidential election, not BE president.

Single transferable vote is a much better way of achieving representative democracy.

When does the time reset? Like, when CAN I feed it again?

You mean the War of Caffinated Agression!

Remember, Trump ran in a platform of running the country like a business. Businesses have a few, simple goals.
Make as much money for the boss as possible.
Minimize costs and maximize profits.
Trump is willing to refuse legitimate payment to employees, refuse healthcare even to desperate family members, and gouge for

10% is the tipping point for the the spread of ideas and influencing people to adopt new modes. 8% might sound inconsequential, but it can have quite the impact.

Fell down an elevator shaft… onto some bullets.

Ill check it out. Thanks.

Bill O rappels from the ceiling with a baseball bat, but no one can see him.

Or Hoss's.
my pop preferred ponderosa so we ate there more.