
If people say something to him, it's data! If he surrounds himself with yes men, it's an accumulation! See, it all fits!

My favorite Brannon name is still Bacon Harkonnen.

And plays dress up with his fancy red armbands when no one is watching.

The kind that make cheese, bread, beer, and wine. If those four foods haven't created conditions favoring adaptation, I need to read more.

Sure it is. I'm pretty sure we're all just the result of some apes eating special mushrooms.

Nah, she'll cut funding in general and then let the local school districts make the choice to cut music and art. That way she can avoid culpability.

He doesn't have the lobes for business.

Sorry! Sorry, I meant cheeto-American.

He's a cornflake girl?

That work has already been done. Now it's time to pick the low hanging fruit, set the boat on fire, and "accidentally" launch a nuke in order that bring about the end.

It's Machevelli 101. Put an ogre in charge who quashes dissent and revolts with ousting, then when the cries are loud enough, pretend you had 'no idea it was that bad', cut the ogre's throat and put a friendlier person in charge, but refuse to change much else. You "stopped" the bloodletting, but your "hands are…

Idaho who keeps coming up with these puns.

Christ, how nightmarish is this? I absolutely love it. So awful. So much better than the original.

Monkey see, monkey sea-doo.

It's the only one that would impact people at this point…

But are they "as to plurdeled gabbelblotchets, on a lurgid bee?"


8 - Leia, Chewy

But, Dooku?

You got it.