
A dead, waterlogged, slightly greenish muskrat would make a better president than Trump.

I'm going to be honest, here. This comment made me snort out loud, with food in my mouth, in public at a restaurant.

The Flashpoint Paradox supposed that if Bruce was shot in the alley instead of Thomas and Martha, that Thomas would have become a gun-wielding, homicidal Batman.

Katey Sagal was to be cast as the punisher. It was a musical.

The twist is that the Punisher was the one getting the abortion.

Here, have an upvote, then I'm removing the upvote, then I'm upvoting again. It's the closest I can come to giving you two upvotes.

You've failed to include "A History of Violence"

What's with all the sauerkraut?

Here's your badge.

Challenge accepted.
Now, share those puppies for me to disbelieve! I need a giggle, please.

…but I used to, too.

Obligatory upvote for only using the word "my" four times, and therefore not learning it.

The insurance fraud idea is funny, too. President Terry Crews needs to power up by being hurt, so he pilots twelve RVs full of jet fuel into a mountainside by engaging jado rockets out of a zeppelin, then steps out to fight the aliens.

I would want the movie to follow the progression of the games as a whole though. It starts as a street crime thriller, the tension is around whether the protag can get away with some grand theft auto, then WHAMMO! dubstep guns and rocket jumps and all that bullshit.

Uggs are attractive shoes in exactly the same way a deck of playing cards are.

Wingtip. A really old fashioned wingtip.
Vintage. Well worn.

reluctant upvote.

and ate him?

I can see it.
I guess don't really worry about 2050 very much. All the people born in 1990 will be 60 years old, and they all got famous in, what, 2005 to 2010, so yeah.

Confirmed. That bastage just denigrated Prince!* Get him!