
Speed Racer is one of my favorite movies of all time.

I have a hard time forgiving him for Moon Knight.
He was getting to be a favorite of mine and then, well, Bendis.

Good evening, Rocket. Sorry about that "Up Yours, Racoon" I hope this apple pie will in some small way thank you for your ingenuity and courage in defeating that horrible Ronan

Your own, personal, instant Jesus.

Maybe not in your mind, but in your world? Definitely happens. A lot.

They had a few:

Like spidey and spidey-girl!

I'm jedgnostic. We don't accept the prequels as canon. They were added much later by Lucastine, at the council of Jar-cea.

All it needs to do is take its hair out of that ponytail, and take off its glasses.

We're about fifteen minutes away from Trump saying "Let them eat cake"

and, you guessed it, Frank Stallone.

If you want to talk about white crystal power, head on over to Breitbart. They love white crystals.

"Knife fight that way, fast. If a shield gets in your way, turn."

The more I think about it, the funnier it gets.

Now would you look at that. Somebody threw away a perfectly good ducal heir.

Christopher Walken
Dennis Hopper
Tim Curry
Donald Drumpf

Oh, that's gross.

Is that what it means? I've seen it around recently and I didn't know.

Let's ask wise old Harambe.
Harambe, how many memes does it take to get to the dank center of a steel beam?
"Ah-one, ah-two…" BLAM.

You may be asking yourself, "Dirtbike and Durckk, where did you get $240 worth of pudding?" Never you worry your pretty little head about it.