
Dumpster fire.

She's alive, dammit!

Plus the maps and weapon charts! I was in nerd heaven.

538 was wrong.

Who exactly is being fooled by this?
Third graders?


What if they're speaking about Gilgamesh, in an academic setting?

Outdated catchphrases.
Making catchphrases, oh yeah.

word 'em up.

Great Job, Dumpster Fire!

I'm so out of touch with lingo, it's usually passe by the time I've heard about it, and is the object of derision by the time I understand its meaning.

How can we sleep while the dumpster's burning?

Pizza in the morning?


Ugh, Foggy's Phish collection marathons are the worst.

♫ Justice Babies ♪
♫ We make your dreams come true ♪
♪ Justice Babies ♫
♪ We'll do the same fooorrrr yoooouuu ♫

Ok, good then.
It was just an observation.

Hate will age you.

That's David Icke's thing, right?

Rural PA is horizon to horizon Trump/Pence yard signs.