
I like the one in my neighborhood that says "Dole for pineapple"

It's a beautiful world.
For you.

Jesus was way cool, too.

Gimmick account in 3… 2…

A narcissist. A text book narcissist.

That would just be a live web cam

And ZZ top, for like no reason.

Ayah, yo. Waddayou thingwe shuh do about thisguy?

Doctor Strange was adopted by a goose?

"Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya, I'm just gonna numb you REAL BAD"
*fed-ex dog shit in a box to co-stars*


It's only his twitter insults.
I'd like to see a list compiled with video appearances.

Mostly, yeah, but there's always the exception that proves the rule, and it's a bit disheartening.
I once had an obnoxious co-worker who when confronted about being prejudiced, claimed that he was not, as he had "plenty of experience with them 'types'" and then went on to explain how he was what was referred to as a

It's yuge.

Yep, two years of presidency, two years of campaigning.

Legitimized, mainstream racism and jingoistic xenophobia are not hallmarks of a healthy social order.


Read that as Judo. It really changed the imagery.

You aren't allowed to recognize the differences between your experiences and those of other people. That's the first step towards empathy, and empathy makes you treat people well.

Jack and Jill terrible?