
I'll do it for 28 million

I always heard the last line as "… Drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policeman heard the noise, and came to kill the two dead boys. "

I never realized I needed this.

Where's dikachu? This thread has him written all over it.

Ragnarok is not a meme!

Oh, sure, flaut your ability to make puns.

It's a thing.

Ah, Zach Snyder.
Zach, you replaced M. Night Shymalmamnan so subtly, I barely noticed.

…and a Dawes soundtrack. They're deep!

We-can-do-a-little-better-on-the-creative is the name of my next shitty indie band.

No, he's the phantom.


Ann looks like a bagel on a wet rock?

Every time I see Ben Folds, I'm like, "Man, that guy looks like Ben Folds."
And then it is him, and I'm like, "I didn't think he looked exactly like Ben Folds, though."

I'm 100 per-cent stupid!


The worst part of Lichtenstein was that his work helped legitimize Patrick Nagel's, in my estimation.

How will anyone be able to tell?

He reminds me of Weyoun from DS9

Kansas City, Utah.