
Q: What's the difference between Pennsylvania and yoghurt?

The after party?


Breathe, man. Breathe.
Oh and since you seem to be low on them, here's some extra punctuation, for later, you know, just in case:

…Read that as Jared Leto.

"I'm one-hundred percent stupid!"

Douche Jong "um"

Ann Coulter looks like Guillermo Del Toro in drag.

Man, that's weird. I thought he died in his own home.

Yes, with Tom Waits.

*spoing!*. *kylo awkwardly pulls face shield back down*

Transforming into a were-wolf and scratching behind his own ear with a weirdly angled, dirty, prosthetic foot.

He was actually pretty good in Unbreakable.

But, but, Mellissa McCarthy would be perfect in Teri Gar's role!

Are you going to tell me all about it?

Also aren't you supposed to roast people you like?

It may not be his fault, but is he a good person just because it's not his fault?

This does not have enough upvotes.

Oh, good.

The Sixth Sense came out in 1999, and Training Day came out in 2001, so he'll need to outlive Shymayllama for at least two years.