
Harrison Ford HAS a Dorian Gray painting. It's Keith Richards.

I'm pretty sure that it was one of the first Executive Actions taken by President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to enforce that exact phrasing.

Prequel. We get to see the fly in the dessert, sad.

In the final part of the race, they travel to a bunch of different eras of history.

Five minutes of exposition regarding the time travel, 30 minutes of the two mystiques fighting each other, 30 minutes of the two mystiques tongue kissing, 30 minutes of the two mystiques fighting side by side, 5 minutes of denouement.

Michael Jackson jokes! Get your recycled Michael Jackson jokes, right here!

He's a PTSD gulf war vet instead of a PTSD vietnam vet.


I always thought that the reason we do not see the aliens in Forbidden Planet is because we similarly do not see the spirits in The Tempest, from which it is cribbed.

Thanks Organa!

The Office: The Movie: The Trailer: The Flamethrower.

That, and other places. The smelter actually closed down in 2013, so check your receipt history, scratch your head, and go "oooooh, I get it"

Part of that is that the last US primary lead smelter closed down. Many smelters will smelt lead as a secondary byproduct, but there are no smelters left that make lead their focus. So, yeah, it's stupid pricey now.

He was longer lived than Rupert the Grouper.

Yes, how?

Oh, I think it does cross their minds. It's just that unrestrained violence is befitting the crime in almost all cases, according to that thinking. Doubly so if the perpetrator has the audacity to be brown.

My grandfather was a cop. He wouldn't let cops in his house. When I asked why, he said "I know them"

Yep, wrong canon. Haha.

Oh, I know! 60's pulp would have an injun burial ground as the source of mumbo-jumbo in Indiana 5, Indiana 6 could have 1970's satanism-nazi-revivalists.

But Jar Jar is the real power behind the Sith.