
I'd watch it.

Because marketing people have little interest in "plot", "cannon", or "artistic merit"

I think it's pretty funny.

Ooo..Ooo.. try "Mushy mushy" as a hello, it's fun.

"Everyone involved will presumably say their piece, shake hands, and we’ll get this thing licked by April. Hooray!"

So, if Temple of Doom parallelled 20's pulp, and focused on South America and Voodoo, Raiders was 30's pulp, with it's egyptology and judaism themes, Last Crusade was 40's pulp with nazis and shit, and Cystal skull was 50's pulp with UFOs, then what would Indy 5 be about? 1960's cowboys and indians?


But Terry is tired of origin stories. Start in the middle. Maybe that sexy proverb. The one with the pomegranates and stuff.

Note the date. April 1st.

Sounds good to me, daikini. Now I can write that Sorsha/Leia slash fic I've never wanted.


His name was Gordon Shumway.

Maybe I'm the only one, but I think the best thing to ever come out of the found footage movement is Trollhunter.

Something something dungeons and dragons, maul of the Titans.

"Why not just make Shia dumber?"

Pure applesauce.


"Put down that Gungnir!
Gungnir is for closers only!"

I saw saw the sign, and it made make your time, ha ha ha.

Smeagol Yodelslap?