
Wouldn't it be funny if like five ghosts just slimed Wiig right now?

What's wrong with being sexy?

This. All nouns in German are capitalized.

Worst. Gimmick. Ever.

The other goal of remakes is to make them "edgy".
An edgy BTLC would be entirely the opposite of the point.

Vin Diesel will save the children, but not the British children.

My point is, you don't touch a Sith Lord's wife's feet.

…at least it's an ethos.

Die on the way.

Oh, well then by all means…

Did you see a sign out front that says "dead sexual predator" storage?

Bro-nazi invader zim fans, though rarer, are by far the worst.

You dialed up with that thing? You're braver than I thought.

R2, that server's broken loose again. See if you can't lock it down.

Now that is a tasty beverage.

Everyone will make a noble attempt, I'm sure.


Man, I made a Blevins earlier today. It was a little messy, and went on too long.

I think you nailed it. Potence, all the way.

5e is an absolute blast. I feel that it's the best version of the rules I've played. It's got the loose format of 2e, which allows for characterful, innovative action, the consistent rulings of 3.x, making learning a snap, and the philosophy of 4e, which gave fighters something to do other than "I attack", without