
If you hadn't, I was going to.

The body has ways of shutting down a legitimate carbonite freezing.

The old Scrooge-a-roo! Hold my vault, I'm going in!

But why are the photographs still sepia toned?

Emma Stone would be good as well, but I'm not sure America is ready for an asian squirrel girl.

You're thinking of Sean Bean.

Hogans Heroes
Wild Wild West
F Troop

Many much boxen.

Idris is cool and all, but can we get Ronda Rousey instead, please?

The old God-a-roo.

Escape from Detroit

"Here, drink, but do not spill. Will kill the grass."

Neither is Dane Cook.

And now it's up to 49 million and rising.

Let's go back to talking about Time Bandits.

They won't admit that there is no plan until after the movie is released.

"You're welcome. Well, it appears that my work on this planet is finished, so I must now return to my home planet of Zarquon."

If there's time enough to lean, there's time enough to subvert corporate catchphrases into jokes on the Internet.

Go Sportstown Piggers !!

Curtis looks absolutely disgusted in this picture.