
It fits the pattern.

User name/ comment synergy.
Best of 2015.

His face keeps getting weirder as time goes on. I expect that by the end of his career, he'll look like the love child of Eric Stoltz Mask and Goonies Sloth.

And momma

Kryptonian society is basically a sham. Everyone spends all of their time pretending to uphold the values extolled by their leaders, all while secretly trying to figure out how to get thrown into the pantsless zone as punishment, rather than simply killed.

I read that in Pam Greer's voice and it made me take a time out in a quiet place.

What a hat! What a party hat! Yes I like that hat!

Are you me? You sound like me.

Ya'll gon' make me lose mah parts, up in here, up in here
Ya'll gon make me drain mah charge, up in here, up in here.


Yeah, more's the pity.
Id rather have more "Harold and Maude" and less "Paul Blart"

Ugh, I'm so old I can feel my joints creak in irritation at your youth.

Skipped Phantom Menace, did we?

Sounds like you went to my school.

90's SNES voice overs reached their pinnacle with Rock 'n' Roll racing.

Someday mother will die and I'll get the money

Man, Cafe Vita was hipster back in 2000. I can only imagine what it's like now. I left Seattle, before it was cool to leave.

Now I'm picturing Meet the Feebles

I think Johnny Hemsworth is right!

The real tragedy was when they crossbred the Buscemi project with the Pitt project and ended up with Benicio Del Toro.