
I read that as "self hating Juggalos"

The netflix suggestions for Ice Age 2 are: Amelie, Transporter 2, The Babadook, and Barbarella.

Go suck a fuck.

That's the joke.

Netflix daredevil style serial….and go!

It's a hand grenade

You can't stop the signal.

"An" true American hero, actually.

When I read the headline, I was certain that Joss Whedon was going to be responsible. I guess he's rubbing off on other TV dudes.

When the time is right (the climax of the movie) the allspark will open, Zorro will become Zorromus-Prime-kenobi and galactus will be defeated by using the allspark's power of poorly translated pseudo-Latin magic spells.

He noted the genre with one word.

I can't believe I read the whole thing!

Was that from Dr. Dre ft. Bill Cosby?

It was always meant to be like that. George Lucas is a genius. I really wish he would have kept ownership himself. I like this pain in my head. The ringing is nice. The ringing is nice. The ringing is nice.

Thanks, Organa!

So this is the one wherein they reveal that Martin is actually an alien?


Real Boys.
Martin Lawrence brushes his teeth, put on his shirt, sits in the makeup chair for 30 minutes, then walks on set, does three takes of the same scene. Roll credits.

He loves orange soda!