
My favorite Hero on this show was the Tick.

I love the realistic depiction of all those Californian drivers still trying to get through the wreck, even while cars are exploding around them, and they're running down people fleeing the scene.

This one goes to number 9.

When the news kept reporting on Murder/Suicide. I also prefer when murder was only a noun.

I've got a buddy who makes these really swell pieces of pottery. I asked him to make me a "XXX" jug, and he totally did. yay!

That's a neat trick.
Sure beats walking the chunnel, though.

It is ready to ascend, my commenters! It will come back internet, and well done!

Will Sasso as Steven Seagull.

"I've seen… nothing… better than this"
-A.A. Dowd

Fantastic 4 3: 21 jumpstreet

We accept you, we accept you, one of us.

Well, let's play chess.

Childhood has a way of shutting down a legitimately bad reboot.

That's why I suggest we firebomb… uh, ignore them, ignore them completely, rather.

Yeah, but where does it end? First you start asking for character focused stories, and then next you start asking for what? A status quo that actually changes?

I don't recall where I read it, but one of the best pieces of praise regarding Batman 2: Electric HeathLedgerloo was that all of the power and mystery regarding the Joker was retained by not having a gorram origin story, and that he sprang fully formed from the head of Zeus. It was what lead me to actually go see the

*sigh* I guess, ok? But why did the falcon have to become Cap?
(I'm such a filthy casual)

So I must be out of the loop, but when did the falcon become captain america?

"The film … fill[s] out its … runtime, occupying the full 100 minutes with … grand … action scenes."
—A.A. Dowd

Ah, now there's a reason to buy the DVD.