
Papers, please.

Black humor is like food.

Units designed for cattle herding services often fail testing for ease of compatibility over protracted time periods, and even more often, fail tests for ergonomics.

You rat.

Underdog or GTFO.

So you're responsible!

Minibosses: Kraid Metroid

You won't believe what these iconic 90's video game characters have been up to!

More of a lasagna cat, myself.
Those two different gags he does NEVER get old.

How old is Reagan now?

I would suggest that. I, too, did not care for the movie when it first hit theaters, and I was in my teens.
I watched it two weeks ago and was enthralled.

Gallagher not happy about watermelons being smashed on Fridays.

Avocado Mustache is the name of my new band.

Bumblebee, if someone asks you if you're a Camaro, you say YES!

Who is now officially just Shazam.

Some men just want to watch the freeze-pop melt.

You don't joke about that shit, man.

But, Mr. Sheffffeild!

Threm? Is that a word word?

These sick beasts, and where to stream them?