
Let me goole that for you.

I liked when Tank Girl showed up with kangaroo Ice-T.

It made you angry to notice you are old?

If you like Star Wars, the Mandolorian Mercs costume club does the whole Boba Fett variations thing.

Do Meet the Feebles with Mario Paint!

Craig Kilborn?

Give them all contradicting (and wrong) instructions backstage, convincing each of them as to the "correct" method of defusing said device.

Do Ducktales with Borderlands 2!

[rails intensely against copyright practices]

[repeats a pun that someone else posted, but mine is less clever]

Not one mention of Peter Jackson?
Meet the Feebles?
I think we should bring him out of the Hobbit-y world and put him back in the "Meet The Feebles" world.

Thanks for the warning. I'll wait till I'm at home on the family computer.

Do they all look like the douchey finger pointing kid?

My vote is on one of the Scoleri Brothers.
Electrocuted murderer?

Use this one weird trick to find 20 year old movies!
Drivers in (insert your state) need to know this one weird trick to having sex with an alien!

Funny, everytime I hear about Cosby, I think "Team Cosby Tri-osby" and the house of Cosbys theme song runs through my head.

I don't need you to tell me how fucking good my reference is, okay? I'm the one who wrote it. I know how good it is. When other commenters write Tarantino references, they write shit. I write the good stuff because when I read them, I want to be amused.. But you know what's on my mind right now? It ain't the reference

When does this happen?
Now, sir.
Go back to then.
We can't we're past it.
Just now, Sir.

Do you see the sign in my yard that says "Dead Iraqi Storage"?

I laugh, I cry, I laugh again!