
It's almost like the two sides had different goals and priorities!


When you hear, woulda, shoulda, coulda
Gotta think, mighta been, in spite of
Low down tired of being a fighter
Turn around put it all behind you

He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy.

No, but I did catch Bernie saying "These sick beats" on the pulpit the other day.

"You should know by now that Trump only looks at pictures he finger-painted himself."

Kanye: The US sent soldiers to shoot us.

I don't have any Cake friends, so when I do this they always look confused.

The problem with the Monopoly movie it that you know how it's going to end but you still need to watch the last two hours or everyone gets pissed at you for leaving.

I wrote a Hungry Hungry Hippos script, but it didn't get gobbled up the way I wanted.

Settlers of Catan VI: Revenge of the Bricks

But not as a cool ass design, which is what we really like about him. It's the cool ass armor.

He bounty hunts for Jabba Hutt to finance it.

Chaosium or Wizards?

To be fair, I have a solar powered flashlight. It's quite useful, actually.

That's why Gallagher is still the best!

Let's remember that loving something doesn't make you good at it.
Peter Jackson, King Kong.

No, what are you saying?

Especially pouches.

I'm glad there's a sequel on the way. I've been waiting.