
Man, WBC's travel budget must be hurting. That's not all that far from their home base. One tank of gas, really. Does the WBC Action Board (which, in my imagination, they have, and it's written on with crayon) have a list of the most noteworthy events within a one-gas-tank radius of The Compound? That's gonna be a

WBC jags are all ridiculously ignorant, craven, empty, cowards at heart? Newsflash!
Though it did seem like they used to "stand their ground" better when Papa Phelps was still alive. So I guess it's a good thing Fred Phelps is burning in hell.

Did however enjoy the Bicycle Cop's employment of his bicycle as a

And now, every town terrorized in the future by these idiots has a game plan already drawn up for them.

If you upgrade it to hot methy gay sex, I'll take that bet.

You don't say... religious leader doesn't walk the talk? Least surprising news ever.

Any idea what you need to do to get into Cute Animal Heaven because that's the heaven I'm looking to get into. It seems much more appealing then the other heavens.

"While many governments and well-meaning individuals have redefined marriage, the Lord has not."

Yeah, I thought it was Mormons who don't really believe in fire and brimstone - more just somewhat lamer paradise for the unfaithful.

Just in case you were confused, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reiterated recently that gay marriage and gay sex will send folks right to hell. Like, directly to hell.

Hi. Just gotta clear a couple things up, as a former Mormon who is still in touch with the culture. First, saying being gay will send you "Like, directly to hell" is not at all what Mormons believe. They barely believe in an actual hell, and they do not actually think being gay is gonna send anyone there. It'll

Or is he a graduate of the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too?

Low budget Tom Hardy look alike?